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1:1 Exclusive Soul Session

with Jana


With Your Light,
With Your Wholeness,
Without Projections...?


  • Are you in a phase of life transformation, decision-making or healing?

  • Are you looking for clarity concerning your relationship(s), profession/purpose, health/healing or the realisation of your creations and visions?

  • Are you tired of external advises that follow box-thinking concepts and you long to be seen and valued with your incomparable uniqueness and self-authority?






No-one knows better what is right and true for you than yourself, your intuitive self!


Hey, I'm Jana, I believe in soul-led humans as pioneers in living a peaceful, integrated and healing-focused life. One aspect of my purpose is to remind humans of their intuitive nature and their powers to live a life in self-leadership that is in full alignment with their inner truth.

I'm a reader, healer and mentor for intuitive growth with over 5 years of growing experience and hundreds of happy, self-empowered clients and students.

Your Exclusive 1:1 Session with me will empower you to:
  • REMEMBER in a jungle of truths what YOUR ESSENTIAL TRUTH feels and looks like

  • FIND CLARITY on what lies underneath your pains, repetitive patterns or dissatisfaction (e.g. in relationships/family, profession/purpose, health/healing, creativity/manifestation...)

  • UNDERSTAND where and why you are working against YOUR INTUITIVE PATH and HEAL those inner spaces of unfreedom

What is your current life challenge about?

  • Are you stuck in repeating patterns of UNFULFILLMENT in your RELATIONSHIP(S) and any mental reflection and analyzations don't lead to the transformation you are longing for?
  • Are you LONGING FOR CHANGE in your field of PROFESSION/PURPOSE and wish to regain clarity on which path is the right one to chose?
  • Do you strain with your HEALTH, physical pains or symptoms and want to understand what lies UNDERNEATH THE SYMPTOM?
DO YOU JUST KNOW you're struggeling with every day life being and  what you long for is INNER GUIDANCE and FOCUS?

Yes, your soul knows your path.


Your soul knows your intuitive truth about how to love, heal, create and live!
Your soul knows which people, which environments and which choices are healthy for you as they support your growth in a way that is in alignment with your soul, purpose and light. And it knows as well which energies make you avoid your full potential by making decisions upon survival patterns, outside expectations and conditioned doubt in your true greatness.

AND NO, it’s not easy to differentiate your true intuitive knowing from experienced-based patterns you’re holding.
BECAUSE this world has done a lot in order to make you forget what you know.

The currently leading dualistic systems that build truth on “right” or “wrong”, “success” or “failure”, “enough” or “not enough” have made you forget about your inner, unconditioned truth that you accessed so easily when you were a child.


THE GOOD NEWS ARE: you never lost your intuitive truth, you just need to remember how to listen to it.


...are looking for answers about your RELATIONSHIP, PROFESSION/PURPOSE, HEALTH, SOUL-PROJECT,... that don't come from ready-made concepts but from an intuitive source of knowing!

...are ready to find out WHERE YOU ARE ESSENTIALLY BLOCKING YOURSELF from healing, growing and living yourself!

...feel you need CHANGE, TRANSFORMATION, HEALING from within and don't know where and how to start!

...are LONGING TO BE SEEN with your wholeness, HIGHEST POTENTIAL and self-sabotaging patterns!

...are thinking of gifting yourself with the 1:1 GRACEFUL GROWTH MENTORING and first wish to taste the space!

  • 1x Exclusive 1:1 Intuitive Online Session with me à 90 min

  • Each Session is intuitively designed for your unique need and point of growth and will empower you through a combination of:


(information about the potential and blockades of your current life challenge, read from your soul)


(activation of your self-healing powers in order to let go of what doesn't serve your growth)

  •  Lifetime access to the audiofile of your session

This is what you get...

You're probably thinking now:

"How would she know what my inner truth is!?"

It's a valid and important question. And there's a lot of unprofessionalism and offerings of unsafe spaces in the name of "truth", "healing" and "reading" out there!

So here is how I work:

I connect with YOUR TRUTH, vibrating through energy, read and translated by me to words​.

I connect with your intuitive self, your soul, and mirror to you what YOUR intuition guides you to do.

I invite you to create space for your truth by inviting you to activate your self-healing powers.

I constantly observe myself, my triggers and inner movements and OWN them with self-responsibility and self-care to ensure a safe, non-judgemental and non-projecting space for you at all times.

And here's what I WON'T do:

I won't tell you what you “should” do.

I won't superimpose or project any ready-made concept onto you.

I won’t judge any information perceived. It’s your path, it’s your truth and I fully respect your self-authority at all times.

I never and at no point "enter" your system or "do" /"fix" anything inside of your system. I'm making invitations and offers in alignment with your soul's communication, and you/your system is free to choose where to go at all times.

Why I believe in what I offer?

Because I believe in soul-led humans as an offer for peace, growth and collective healing.

Because this world needs humans like you who dare to live their soul, to embody their light and to shine their truth.


I can't wait to "see" you!

LOVE, Jana

“Jana is just amazing. With her clarity, gentleness and incredible intuitive gift to see me, she read from my soul like from an open book and reminded me of what I needed to hear to go on!"

Laura, GER

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