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with Jana Winterhalter

Soul-Led Pioness, Intuitive Trainer & Growth Mentor. Here to remind pioneering humans of their divinity, self-authority and intuitive powers to heal, grow and lead the life they are meant to live!

"Remember who you are and you can be whoever you want to be."

Jana @intulife_official


Join my weekly Classes, LIVE!

Want to Grow Your Intuitive Muscles?

Exclusive 1:1 Intuitive Session with Jana








Exclusive 1:1 Graceful Growth Package
with Jana

5x Intuitive Sessions


“Jana read my purpose and current profession in an unbelievably clear, neutral and deeply touching way that leaves me with a clear feeling on what step I need to take.”

Margherita S., Italy

"I had my second reading session with Jana and it's insane. I feel seen, moved and boosted from the inside out!"

Michael D., Kenya

“The Growth Mentoring with Jana helped me in a phase of transformation in my relationship to trust my inner guidance, find strength and heal what needed to be healed to feel free again. Beyond Grateful!"

Lauren K, New Zealand

"I received a healing that released body tensions I didn't manage to access myself as a yoga teacher and dancer.  It's as if my soul touched my body. Just amazing!

Claudia B., Germany

Exclusive 1:1 Sessions


Exclusive 1:1 Growth Package


Graceful Growth Mentoring

Package 5x

Life-focused Growth Readings

Blockage Healings



Exclusive 1:1 Session


Intuitive Session

Session 1x

Topic-based Reading

Blockage Healing

Soul-Life Re-Alignment


Exclusive 1:1

 Healing Series


Divine Healing Series

Package 3x

Soul-Body Re-Alignment

Emotional Release

Holistic Healing

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